Sunday, 8 January 2012

Mini Adventure Time..

Heaven doesn't get much better than this i've just been sat in lovely Dover eating M&S all butter double chocolate cookies, sipping on some quaintessential Twinnings and reading my Kindle when I thought to myself this is a perfect opertune moment for a blog update.

So excited as tomorrow we're going to Paris and I have suitably decorated my nails ready for Disney on Tuesday. Superdrug sell a brand of make up called 2True and it's quite low end cheap make up but I really like their nail varnishes they have a range of colours and the colour is really bold you don't need loads of coats like some cheaper nail varnishes.
The polishes which are from the glossywear range are usually £1.99 each or they do 3 for £4.99 which saves just under a pound so I got a lovely cherry red, white and black and voila.... Minnie Mouse Nails!

Red No 24 Pillar Box Red
Black No 39 
White No 1

Apply a base coat of clear nail varnish to prevent staining and then apply a coat of red nail varnish all over the nails as a base, wait for it to dry, shouldn't need a second coat as the colour is bold and th consitency is very good. 
Next get a cocktail stick and cut the spikey end off it so it's a more of a thicker, rounded shape and use this to dot your nails with white polka dots.
Finally use the other end of the cocktail stick which will still be sharp and spikey to draw a little black bow using your black nail varnish on the top corner of the nail to finish off your minnie mouse nails.

So cute and so easy, why not give it a try?

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